Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh Yes, Its Coming

The grind is fast approaching, and with it comes needed rep, emblems and cash for gem/enchants. This will all have one result, new content.

My guild is just 1 week shy of being done with Naxx from a gear perspective. Most of us are past the gear level required to bother running that raid. Most of us agree its time to start on Ulduar and maybe even jump to 10-man ToC for phat loots. With 3.3 around the corner we need to be working on the 5-man Ice Crown instances (like ToC 5man, was to get into Naxx) in preparation to get into 10 man ICC.

With all that in mind from a tanking perspective I think I need to start watching video on some of the encounters before its time for me to start flailing around on the trash and add from whatever bosses we first come across. From what I read 10 man Ulduar is the harder of the 2 most recent raids for a guild to wrap their heads around, yet it is older content then ToC. A little odd for a patch right before the find push to take down Arthas aka the Lich King. But with anything new comes confusion, many wipes (haha see what i did there, many whelps ?!?) and big repair bills as we all learn the fights.

I myself have been dying to go into Ulduar because it to me seems like a big place and I would rather see the inside of that before we see ToC 10-man, simply because of the order the content was released. I never got to do a since raid in either the classic or TBC eras of content as I was late to the punch with getting into the game. At that point I was lvl 70 in like March or April of 2008 and was never really able to do even 5-man content due to a poor schedule at work. So I won't be letting that happen again.

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