Thursday, September 17, 2009

WC Done and Done

Well finally got my first attempt at tanking, by running WC with a few guildies. It did take a few attempts to run it due to my power supply kicking the bucket the night before the run and the following week there was a power outage due to a mild tropical storm stopping 2 other in the run from attending. But all in all it was a good run.
My only complaint was my own fault. As a famous Demon Hunter once said I "...WAS NOT PREPARED." Spent way too much time leveling my DK main on the server and forgot to setup my lowbie Warrior's action bars and macros, glyphs and even just to do some testing. I basically had to figure out my pulls and abilities on the fly. There weren't even any deaths :) But if I had to rate my performance it was definitely a 6 out of 10. Just way too many "OH F#%$" moments as I wasn't ready or had rage issues with each group pull. I know I was doing something wrong and didn't have any time to organize myself.

~ Kin

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