Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hello, my name is Kintoro...

...and I am an alt-aholic. Have been for way 2 years now and you all are going to me my group meeting.
I really do not know why I enjoy rolling alt after alt and not concentrating on just 1 (or to push it) like 2 toons but I seem to be leveling around 5 toons at the same time at any given time. HELP ME ! Or at least someone tell me why it is so hard to stop this addiction and get my main to lvl 80. Its been like 4 months since I last paid any attention to my main Kintoro. He's lvl 77 and sitting in Grizzly Hills and I bet he's frozen in place with all that plate on. Brrrrrr.
Moving on, I rolled a NE Hunter and Draenei Shaman, both lvl 11 I think. And I'm enjoying the road travelled with them both. The Hunter is much more enjoyable now that I got my pet Nibbles (don't judge me) as there are less deaths from accidentally pulling more then 1 mob and getting melee'd to death.
And as for the Shaman I'm pretty sure this is the highest level one that I have ever rolled. I have lost interest in them after maybe the first 6 levels normally. But at lvl 10 I got the lightning shield and flametongue weapon buff and things are dying with more haste causing an ear to ear smile.
Well this is all for now as my addiction is calling and I don't want to leave them alone for toon long in the hostile world of Azeroth.

~ Kin

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Last 2 Levels then Northrend

Howdy all. Been busy running through Outland on a mad rush to see some Northrend content on a second toon. I only managed to reach lvl 77 on my Tauren Warrior. And after completing (with achievements) the Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra starting zones and I believe Dragonblight, he is currently in limbo in Grizzly Hills. I do believe he will remain there until I decide if it will be him or one (haven't decided on the Ally or Horde) of my Death Knights which are both at lvl 66 will turn into the main I use from here on out.
There have been a few notable nerfs to the warrior class on the PTR for patch 3.1.2, tho I have not actually tested, I have read are sorta significant in hindering the Fury tree which I am currently leveling in. I have never been a big fan of the Arms tree other then picking up Deep Wounds for my Fury spec. Well with the exception of loving Bladestorm in PvP since WotLK has launched. Its got me pretty bummed out cause up until that point I was thinking about making him my primary tanking class to try and learn on. But with that damn 10% damage penalty on Titan's Grip I've lost interest again. I never liked the miss penalty on previous iterations of TG and it just ruins the warrior for me all over again, forcing me back into the dark arms of my DK.
Oh how i love thy Death Knight, able to kick ass in any spec. Blood being the most fun for me with the self healing aspect of the build reducing most down times to nearly zero. I've been just plowing through the Outland stuff like a mad man in about 2 or 3 weeks since i first rolled my 2nd DK on the Alliance side just to see how the changes in 3.1 affected the play style of mine i loved so much. Though they aren't as unstoppable as they were pre-3.1 they are probably the best class for me to learn to tank on. Unless of course someone can point me elsewhere cause i do have a Druid at lvl 40 that i do like leveling as well, but it is gonna take some time to pull me away from my DK <3
That's all for now. Peace out.

~ Kin

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This Blogs Purpose

Hello all,
Slippy here, starting my first blog about my adventures in World of Warcraft.

But first a little bit about myself. I'm a 26 (nearly 27) yr old tech agent from Nova Scotia, Canada. Been doing that job for about 7 years now cause I lack motivation to do anything else. More on that as I randomly complain about call centers in future posts. I do not have any literary degrees so bare with me on my spelling and grammer.

Okay back to the topic of WoW. I play on 2 servers at present. Earthen Ring (RP PvE) and Bloodhoof (PvE), basically Horde and Alliance. So i'm not bias just in between my focus at this time.

My often played toons on Earthen Ring include:
My only toons on Bloofhoof include:
So as you can all and note by the title of this Blog I wanna tank and I enjoy melee classes. Tho I have absolutely no experience in tanking I am gonna try. Just need to get my toons to near end game and see if any guildies are willing to put up with repair bills til I understand my roles. Cause I also have not decided on which of the 4 tanking classes would be my primary focas.
So as a final thought "Come one come all" and please feel free to lay on some advice and pring up my visits haha.

~ Kin