Sunday, May 3, 2009

This Blogs Purpose

Hello all,
Slippy here, starting my first blog about my adventures in World of Warcraft.

But first a little bit about myself. I'm a 26 (nearly 27) yr old tech agent from Nova Scotia, Canada. Been doing that job for about 7 years now cause I lack motivation to do anything else. More on that as I randomly complain about call centers in future posts. I do not have any literary degrees so bare with me on my spelling and grammer.

Okay back to the topic of WoW. I play on 2 servers at present. Earthen Ring (RP PvE) and Bloodhoof (PvE), basically Horde and Alliance. So i'm not bias just in between my focus at this time.

My often played toons on Earthen Ring include:
My only toons on Bloofhoof include:
So as you can all and note by the title of this Blog I wanna tank and I enjoy melee classes. Tho I have absolutely no experience in tanking I am gonna try. Just need to get my toons to near end game and see if any guildies are willing to put up with repair bills til I understand my roles. Cause I also have not decided on which of the 4 tanking classes would be my primary focas.
So as a final thought "Come one come all" and please feel free to lay on some advice and pring up my visits haha.

~ Kin

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